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Join Us in Empowering Young Archers!
Generous donors like you are the key to our success and make it possible for the Mesabi East Booster Club, in addition to the above mentioned, to provide local students the continued opportunity of the NASP program. We hope that we can count on your support to help us:
Donate Now using PayPal or Debit/Credit Card
Your donation will be greatly appreciated by not only our organization, but all of our Mesabi East archers as well.
Please make your checks payable to “M.E.A.B.C”
Please mail your donation to:
Mesabi East
Attn: Mesabi East Archery
601 N 1st Street W
Aurora, MN 55705
We thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincerely, M.E.A.B.C.
Tax ID#35-2781696
Help us promote archery among students!